in case you've wondered what i have been up to since my last blog post, here's a few notes and photos to catch you up. april 2012 -- to guwahati, assam to volunteer with 7 sisters international. here's a photo of the brahmaputa river.
may 2012 -- write, produce, and direct short film, "i want to be."
-- last day in guwahati, ride elephant!!
june 2012 -- back to minnesota, usa -- start taking care of my dad who had a stroke in december of 2011. he's doing pretty great!!
-- start playing ukulele!
august 2012 -- start editing "i want to be" project.
september 2012 -- to california for two weeks! hang out with friends, work with producer/musician ed tree on original music for "i want to be project," and say good-bye to my 1985 volvo.
october 2012 -- still taking care of dad, still working on the edit.
december 2012 -- twenty donated kala brand makala dolphin ukuleles arrive to take to india.
january 2013 -- to california for three weeks -- survivor girl ukulele band benefit concert!! big thanks to sharon hannah, brad colerick, ed tree, john o'kennedy, bliss bowen, lorin hart, severin browne, phil parlapiano, dale laduke, brendan carlson, and bethany church of sierra madre, and everyone who came to support!! -- and world premiere of short film, "i want to be."
march 5 2013 -- back to india!!