wonderful news!
i’m thrilled to announce that we have joined the #AWBgrantee family with our Awesome Without Borders grant, in collaboration with @theharnischfoundation!
the $1,000 grant will help provide funding for some exciting things this year at the shelter home in kolkata. we’ll purchase an amplifier to use with ukuleles that have electronics and a kala u-bass guitar that was given to us. we’ll also purchase new outfits for any upcoming performances.
it is an honor to be chosen for this grant, and i’m so thankful to be part of awesome without borders!!
thank you thank you thank you, harnisch foundation, for joining the band!!!
to learn more here: http://awesomewithoutborders.org/316
click here to read the lovely online article, which includes one of the songs from our cd!!
survivor girl ukulele band project made the front page of the 23 february 2018 geraldine news -- in geraldine, new zealand!!!
(correction: survivor girl ukulele band project brings restoration and hope to survivors of human trafficking through the healing power of music and love, but is not involved in providing shelter for the girls. i'm just a volunteer ukulele teacher. )
survivor girl ukulele band project made the front page of the 23 february 2018 geraldine news!! wowowow!!
ukulele magazine has published a fabulous article written by audrey coleman about survivor girl ukulele band!!!
click here to go right to the article!!
26 may 2016 -- wonderful article in geraldine news about ukefest geraldine 2016 by jan finlayson. with a great mention of survivor girl ukulele band project in a prime spot at the very end of the article. wowowow!!
kim ohanneson's article in hometown pasadena -- updated and fresh for 2015!! click here to read the entire article at hometown pasadena.
almost famous in the fall 2015 st olaf college magazine!!!
october 22, 2014
kim axelrod ohanneson's article about survivor girl ukulele band project in hometownpasadena.com reaches far and wide!!!
click on the link above to read the entire article.
january 31, 2014
survivor girl ukulele band project makes the front page of the times of india!! wow!!
january 24, 2014
the survivor girl ukulele band project gets entire front page of the wadena pioneer journal. wow!!
here's a link to the online version: